Dental hygiene plays a vital role in helping to keep your teeth and gums healthy by avoiding gum disease or by keeping this under tight control. Gum disease is extremely common and is caused by plaque which is a constantly-forming sticky film of bacteria. Initial symptoms of gum disease include sore or bleeding gums and bad breath. If left untreated, it can eventually lead to tooth loss.Our hygiene services include:•Scaling and teeth polishing•Periodontal treatment•Air Flow stain removalback to previous page
•Scaling and teeth polishing•Periodontal treatment•Air Flow stain removal
“Few people can claim that
their visits to the dentist are
enjoyable, but mine to you
were. Thank you for looking
after my teeth so well…” –
Dental hygiene plays a vital role in helping to keep your teeth and gums healthy by avoiding gum disease or by keeping this under tight control. Gum disease is extremely common and is caused by plaque which is a constantly-forming sticky film of bacteria. Initial symptoms of gum disease include sore or bleeding gums and bad breath. If left untreated, it can eventually lead to tooth loss.Our hygiene services include:back to previous page